Lauda Sion
Saint Thomas Aquinas: Lauda Sion
Lauda Sion Salvatorem
Lauda ducem et pastorem
In hymnis et canticis.
Quantum potes, tantum aude:
Quia major omni laude,
Nec laudare sufficis.
Quod in cœna Christus gessit,
Faciendum hoc expressit
In sui memoriam.
Dogma datur Christianis,
Quod in carnem transit panis,
Et vinum in sanguinem.
Bone pastor, panis vere,
Jesu, nostri miserere:
In terra viventium.
Dicsérd Sion megváltódat,
Vezéredet, pásztorodat,
Víg szívvel és énekkel!
Amint lehet, úgy tiszteljed,
Mert alacsonyb minden ügyed,
Nem érsz tiszteletivel.
Amit Urunk cselekedett,
Mi is cselekedjünk – intett -,
Szent emlékezetire.
Az híveknek hit adatik,
Hogy a kenyér testté válik
S a bor Krisztus vérévé.
Te jó pásztor, bizony étkünk,
Jézus, légy kegyelmességünk
Az élőknek földében!
Sion, lift up thy voice and sing:
Praise thy Savior and thy King,
Praise with hymns thy shepherd true.
All thou canst, do thou endeavour:
Yet thy praise can equal never
Such as merits thy great King.
His own act, at supper seated
Christ ordain’d to be repeated
In His memory divine;
Hear, what holy Church maintaineth,
That the bread its substance changeth
Into Flesh, the wine to Blood.
Jesu, shepherd of the sheep:
Thou thy flock in safety keep,
Fill us with celestial grace.
Hungarian text: János Kájoni (1719),
antecedents: Benedek Kisdi,
Cantus Catholici (1651) and/or
Mátyás Hajnal SJ (1578-1614)
English translation:
James Ambrose
Dominic Aylward OP (1813-1872)
8 chorus renaissance lute
copy built by Tihamer Romanek in 1998. The original instrument: Hans Frei, 1530 (Wien, KHM C34).
We heard this version of St. Thomas of Aquino’s Lauda Sion in a summer camp with the choir we were members of. It was reconstructed and recorded by memory around 1999. Participants: Ibolya Domján (14), Sebestyén or Attila Domján (both 9 – they don’t remeber either which one of them) and Dénes Domján (7).